I learn, you learn...

Learning is an unending process, definitely. Dad showed me a full form grid many years ago.

L stood for life, that it is never too late or too early to learn anything in life. I want to learn so many things, god! Hope they don’t decline admissions stating you need to be of a certain tender age, like airlines do when they hire fresh faces for their hospitality department.

I is for interest for the subject or whatever we intend/want to learn.

F means faith, first in yourself, then in God and then, in others around you.

E is the enterprise that sustains process and all that goes on in the wheel of fortune.


I learned how to hold my temper when I was sent to kindergarten to teach.

I learned to be patient when Mom was bedridden for weeks after a fall.

I learned that it is just a fraction that decides life from death and death from life.

I learned that miracles do happen and sometimes don’t when grandma did not wake from the operation table.

I learned that disobedience is costly. It nearly cost my brother’s life.

I learned that it is easier to forgive than not to forget. I have lost a couple friends.

I learned to pray when there was no hope and yes, I was comforted.

I learned to be fair when your best friends who are guys go out with their girlfriends.

I learned to smile and accommodate when my girlfriends had dates to attend.

I learned to be OK when you are dumped like a hot potato when something came up.

I learned being loving makes you stronger.


On the lighter side…


I learned that

I can never belly-dance, just can’tL

I am a disaster with crying babies, I panic K

I cannot build sand castles,

I cannot fly kites,

I cannot play carom,

I cannot play marbles with that skill to break them in one shot.

I cannot shoot balloons at a fair, my aim is so awfully bad!






Unknown said...

n going on moving up the 'learning curve' ... :)

Thangjam Hindustani said...

hmm...thought provoking as ever! keep on writing!

Jayanta Oinam said...

so many of us deserve so much; sometimes, life is too short for all the lessons that we ought to learn and share. we should rather ask ourselves: does it really matter if a dream is fragile enough not be dreamed!

Anonymous said...

This is a good read. Kiran. I like the way you write, keep writing such stuff :).

Anitha said...

Good one. :) Don't ever stop writing.